Why Dhoni gave chance to Jadega in the crucial match against England? Why he came before Pathan? Why he batted at first down against West Indies? So many questions are there in every Indians mind when India is out of 20-20 World -cup. But do we really blame Mr.Dhoni for all this? Actually he was praised for same thing in last world-cup but this time when our Indian batsman failed of short-pitch deliveries all blame came to the caption. How could he knew the players who got best average in IPL will surprisingly fails in world-cup. Everything what he planned was good but this time he was unfortunate and every time one can't win. He was our national hero just 15 days back and still he has many more surprises in his pocket which he will produce in next series but till then we need to support him and our blue team.
This is in regards to th T20 should we blame Dhoni. Sorry to say this but we India are sad people. we dont know how to be a sport.If India wins then the people want to worship the players by putting garlands and partying, they even go to the extent of putting the player or the captians photo next to their gods. and the reverse when the team looses the same person they respected they want to blame and cause damage to their family and properties. why dont Indians learn that these are sports and One has to loose and the other has to win. you cant expect india to always win. Do the people think that the Indian Players give their hundred percent on all matches. not at all. I also follow cricket and i have played cricket also from Dibrugarh dist. in the college tornaments. but see our Indians they 90% are even scared to dive for the ball at the boundries. If india wants to really see their Team win all matches, first of all we should have a policy that no cricketer should be involved in any other income like advertisments and shows which give them so much of money which is even more than what they get in a game. so they mind set is there if the team loose still as an indivisual they have their money to enjoy. Why are previous crickets were never involved in advertisment so much. for example we had Gavaskar, Kapil dev, Shrinath, Shrikant, and there are many more.during their cricket career they were only playing cricket. Cricket as of today is nothing but just business and no one plays for the country anymore. We do have many good players who have still not got a chance to play for what ever reasons I dont know i guess again maybe they cant pay to get selected. as in india for everything money speaks. and the best get dropped of. BEFORE PEOPLE START BLAMING ANY CRICKETER STOP AND THINK IF YOU ARE TO BE BLAMED FOR MAKING THEM SIT SO HIGH AS THE PEOPLE AND THE ADVERTISMENT COMPANIES ARE THE CAUSE. THE CRICKET BOARD SHOULD BE STRICT ENOUGH TO REMOVE ANY SUCH PLAYER WHO IS BEING A BRAND AMBASSDOR OF ANY COMPANY PRODUCT AND EARNING A REVENUE FROM ADVERTISMENT. SPORTS IS NOT A BUSINESS BUT IT IS LIKE A JOB WHEN YOU ARE HIRED TO REPRESENT INDIA YOU HAVE TO FULL FILL THAT COMMITMENT FIRST AND THEN ANYTHING ELSE. OR SHOULD NOT BE IN THAT JOB. WE SHOULD HAVE HIRE AND FIRE POLICY. AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE.
Take a look at this....I agree with u...we should stick with our captain...
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