How to get near to god? How can we make him happy? Any idea?? Well it's very simple but first you have to understand the life cycle of love. Hey it's not funny i tell you. OK just remember those childhood days when you used to go inside the kitchen and helped your mom in cooking.She could cook the food without you but then she used to very happy, watching you helping her. When you suddenly appeared in front of your grandfather in garden and helped him in gardening , he used to gave a nice smile at you. Opening shoe lase of your father, sharing one chocolate with your siblings and many more things which you did in childhood . Is anything common? Yes, it's love with no demand. Same way if you help god in his work with no demand, you will get near to him. So what is the work of god? Simple helping others and spreading love.If you help others and spread love, certainly god will come near to you .
I took childhood examples because that time we all are innocent and we don't have barter nature which slowly we are loosing and also the all mighty God.
Hey Bhagwaan! :P
What exactly you want to convey?!!!!!!
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